Read about our pioneering study with South Tees NHS Foundation Trust here.

Group learning with Surgery Hero

Abi Shaw
July 4, 2024

Our team of expert health coaches is hosting a series of group sessions alongside your usual 1:1 calls over the next few weeks.

We’ll be covering the key pillars of wellbeing related to surgery:

  • Managing your pain
  • Eat well, heal well
  • Move more, recover faster
  • Managing your mindset
  • Sleep better, feel better
  • Your relationship with food
  • Managing diabetes for surgery

These sessions are hosted by our professional, qualified health coaches. Each session lasts for 45 minutes and will be interactive and fun. They're a great way to get more from your Surgery Hero experience, as well as an opportunity to connect with people going through similar experiences.

Everything we cover aims to equip you with the tools you need to make long-lasting changes that will enhance your surgery experience and life outside of surgery.

To register for any of the events below just drop your coach a message. Can't make these dates? No worries. We'll be doing more in the coming weeks!


Managing your pain

Date: Tuesday 9th July

Time: 4pm - 5pm

About the session:

We'll debunk some myths surrounding pain and provide you with a toolkit of tips to help manage it. We'll cover topics like:

  • What is pain?
  • Pain and exercise
  • Pain and sleep
  • Pain medication
  • Relaxation techniques to help manage pain
  • Unhelpful thinking patterns
  • Building your pain tool kit


Eat well, heal well

Date: Thursday 11th July

Time: 10am - 11am

About the session:

We'll be chatting about the things we eat that can help and hinder recovery. You'll come away with all the knowledge relating to your diet:

  • What is a healthy diet?
  • Understanding different food groups
  • Balancing portion sizes
  • Benefits of eating well before and after surgery
  • Breaking the diet-guilt cycle


Move more, recover faster

Date: Tuesday 16th July

Time: 5.30pm - 6.30pm

About the session:

Let's take some time to talk about movement - it's equally important ahead of your surgery, as well as part of your recovery. We will chat about:

  • Public health recommendations for physical activity
  • Different types of exercise and their benefits
  • Overcoming barriers to exercise
  • Benefits of exercise for surgery recovery
  • Simple ways to add movement into your day


Managing your mindset

Date: Thursday 18th July

Time: 10am - 11am

About the session:

We'll take some time to help you understand and regulate your feelings surrounding surgery. In this session we will unpack these discussion points:

  • Understanding stress and its impact on recovery
  • Techniques for managing stress
  • Identifying and changing unhelpful thinking patterns
  • The benefits of mindfulness
  • Relaxation techniques for stress relief


Sleep better, feel better

Date: Tuesday 23rd July

Time: 4pm - 5pm

About the session:

We all know sleep is important, but you can use this opportunity to learn some new things and refresh some healthy sleep hygiene. Join us to learn about:

  • Importance of sleep for surgery recovery
  • Common sleep problems and how to address them
  • Tips for good sleep hygiene
  • Relaxation techniques to help you fall asleep
  • Top tips for getting a good night's sleep


Your relationship with food

Date: Thursday 25th July

Time: 5.30pm - 6.30pm

About the session:

We'll be talking about how to prioritise your relationship with food to help you reach your nutrition goals. Within the session we will aim to help your understanding of what is a healthy relationship with food and how we can carry this forward to make long term health changes that last. We'll cover topics like:

  • The impact of diets and the diet cycle
  • How to accept all foods and still eat the things you enjoy
  • The importance of self compassion for getting back on track and achieving your goals
  • How we can form new habits and stick to them
  • Alternative ways of measuring your health


Managing diabetes for surgery

Date: Monday 29th July

Time: 4pm - 5pm

About the session:

This session is for anyone who's living with diabetes or pre-diabetes and has upcoming surgery. Throughout the session we'll discuss how diabetes can affect your preparation for surgery, and share some helpful tips on what you can do to ensure you're in the best physical and mental shape possible for your operation.

We'll cover topics like:

  • What is diabetes and how does it affect the body?
  • Why diabetes management is an important part of surgery preparation
  • Eating well to manage diabetes
  • Exercise and diabetes management


We look forward to seeing you there. Got questions? Get in touch with

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